Problem Solution
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When i see my friends doing something like singing and gaining lots of fans, I too want to get successful in same way. Then, I start practicing same thing which my friends did earlier but i am unable to succeed in it. Then, again I try another thing.
In this case what should i do? How can i succeed?
SOLUTION by Psychological Counselor Sama Maharjan
Dear friend,
If you re-read your own problem just with the same words you have written down, then you would know where the real problem lies. You are whimsically driven by the success of your friends of which they are good at. May be that was their inner-passion, innate talent or the relentless toiling which makes them good enough to collect fame and fans. Did you ever ponder where do you lie in these three grounds? Its easy to get swayed by the other people’s success and wanting to try the same thing for you, but not necessarily you will succeed in the same manner.
Your answer for the question you asked exists in the same line. That you try that thing and than you are unsuccessful and you jump into another thing. If you are passionate about some thing you really want to do, you will keep trying until you succeed. One time failing would not mean you wont succeed any time. But if you just trying things flicking here and there without your genuine passion, you are very likely to be unsuccessful.
I would like to suggest you to have a close look at your inner-self. What are your hobbies and interests? What drives you happy? Try to explore more of yourself so as what you love doing and where you think you will really boost up as a career? You might not be able to see at first place, but keep asking yourself what you really want to do in your life. If possible, list down the things what you are good at and what could be the possibilities for you to take up as a career.
Try not to follow others but make your own path. Life is yours and passion will be yours. Please don’t borrow someone else’s passion for you. Success will always be yours if you just keep working hard on your real dreams. Discover your dreams first. I wish you very best for your successful life. Cheers to life!! Cheers to success! 🙂
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